Previous Research 1:

<aside> 🔎 Visualize: Continue refinement of research through information, data, and visualizations. Investigation: how does each energy source operate structurally, socially, internally, and in relation to other systems and organisms?



Bacterias grow and divide. Humans has 10 trillian bacteria cells on them. We have 30 thousands genes, 100 times more bacteria genes. the bacteria keep us in an armor, and educate our immune system.

Hawaiian bolb tail squid & Bacteria

Socially & In relationship

This type of Bacteria release a chemical that allows them to shine at night

when the bacteria are alone they dont make light, they make it when they grow into a certain number

The bacteria coordinates their shine through Vibrio Fischeri Communication

Through Quorum Sensing, the bacteria sense how much of its own species is nearby, and only when a large member of its specie is achieved do they emit chemicals that makes them shine.

These bacterial molecule lives in the squid, there is a symbiosis relationship between them and the squid. The squid is noctunernal. it comes out to hunt at night, the moon light shines on it it lives 5 ft under water surface

It open and closes the shutter on its body to control the amount of moonlight going through it so that the light matches exactly how much light the bacterias are producing. This way, it doesnt make an shadow, so predators cant see its shadow calculate its projectory and eat it.